Manage Microsoft Sentinel with Workspace Manager

Recently I came across a new feature, that is kinda welcome as a basic Sentinel user. Normally we automate things through BICEP or DevOps, but now this can be done on a MSSP-based way of working in the portal (together with Lighthouse).

The feature is called Workspace Manager and can be found in the settings / settings in your Sentinel Workspace. You’ll have to keep in mind that you need at least one Sentinel that will run as parent workspace:

Following can be automated and deployed through the group/workspace members:

  • Analytics rules
  • Automation rules (excluding Playbooks)
  • Parsers, Saved Searches and Functions
  • Hunting and Livestream queries
  • Workbooks

By enabling the parent workspace, you can easily deploy all above to all member workspaces. First add the members:

Create a group:

Add the member to your group:

Choose the data you want to update or create (sync):

The sync will run and you can check status here (I selected no content in my test tenant / screenshot tho – but you select everything there):

More information regarding this feature here:

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