Microsoft Defender External Attack Surface Management (EASM)

External Attack Surface Management EASM


As organizations grow their digital footprint, managing the external attack surface has become critical for reducing risks and improving security posture. Public-facing assets such as domains, APIs, IP addresses, and cloud resources are often the entry points for attackers. Without comprehensive visibility and monitoring, these assets can become vulnerabilities.

Microsoft Defender External Attack Surface Management (EASM) provides a robust solution to address these challenges. Using advanced discovery technology, Defender EASM continuously maps your organization’s external infrastructure to identify risks and hidden vulnerabilities. In this guide, we’ll explore the features, prerequisites, step-by-step configuration, and its role in exposure management.

I blogged about Exposure Management earlier this year and you might have noticed External Attack Surface Management is also part of an organisation exposure (so not only internally).

External Attack Surface Management EASM
External Attack Surface Management (EASM)

Key features of Microsoft Defender External Attack Surface Management

Comprehensive asset discoveryIdentifies public-facing assets, including shadow IT and misconfigurations
Continuous monitoringTracks changes in your attack surface in real time
Risk prioritizationHighlights high-risk vulnerabilities and misconfigurations for immediate action
Dashboard insightsProvides actionable insights into vulnerabilities, compliance, and risks
Integration capabilitiesSeamlessly integrates with Microsoft Sentinel and other tools


Before deploying Microsoft Defender EASM, ensure the following requirements are met:

Azure subscriptionAn active Azure subscription is required to deploy the EASM resource (billed per asset)
User permissionsOwner or contributor role in the Azure subscription
Supported regionsEnsure the selected Azure region supports EASM

Deploying the Defender EASM resource


Log into Azure Portal: Azure Portal.

Create the EASM resource:

  • Navigate to Create a resource
  • Search for “Microsoft Defender External Attack Surface Management” and select it
  • Complete the required fields, including subscription, resource group, and region

Review and deploy:

  • Validate your settings
  • Click Create to deploy the resource

    Configuring discovery groups and seeds

    Discovery groups and seeds are essential for initializing and managing your attack surface discovery.

    Types of seeds:

    • Domains
    • IP address blocks
    • Hosts
    • Email contacts
    • Autonomous system numbers (ASNs)
    • Whois organizations


    Navigate to Inventory (or through Discovery):

    • Open the Defender EASM resource in the Azure Portal
    • Select the Inventory tab

    Search for already present information about your organization or create a custom policy:

    • Provide a name for the group (e.g. Modern Security)

    Add seeds:

    • Click Add seed and specify the type of seed (e.g., domain names, IP ranges)
    • Enter the seed values (e.g., or
    • Save your changes

    Configure exclusions (optional):

    • Add exclusions to prevent specific assets from being included in the discovery process
    • Examples include subsidiaries or unrelated third-party infrastructure

    Later on, when you created assets and your organisation, you can also go along with Discovery Groups (more more granular control over your assets)

      Discovering and managing assets

      After configuring your organisation and seeds, Defender EASM identifies and categorizes assets (this can take up to 72 hours):

      Asset states:

      • Approved inventory: Directly managed assets
      • Dependencies: Third-party assets supporting your infrastructure
      • Monitor only: Relevant but not directly controlled assets
      • Candidate: Requires manual review to determine ownership
      • Requires investigation: Needs further validation based on connection strength


      Navigate to the inventory section:

      • Access the Inventory tab in the Defender EASM portal

      Review assets:

      • Approve or reject discovered assets based on relevance and ownership
      • Assign labels to group and organize assets

      Dashboard integrated in EASM

      Attack Surface Summary

      • Purpose: Provides a high-level overview of the organization’s external attack surface.
      • Features:
        • Key metrics for discovered assets (domains, IPs, services)
        • Snapshot of high-risk vulnerabilities or misconfigurations
        • Trends in attack surface expansion or reduction over time

      Security Posture

      • Purpose: Highlights the security status of external-facing assets
      • Features:
        • Overview of compliance levels
        • Identification of critical security gaps
        • Suggested remediation steps to improve security posture

      GDPR Compliance

      • Purpose: Monitors compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
      • Features:
        • Detects assets and configurations that might violate GDPR
        • Highlights exposed personal data or non-compliant systems
        • Recommendations for achieving GDPR compliance

      OWASP Top 10

      • Purpose: Tracks vulnerabilities based on the OWASP Top 10 list
      • Features:
        • Identification of web application risks, such as injection or broken access control
        • Asset-specific vulnerability details
        • Risk prioritization to mitigate OWASP-related issues

      CWE Top 25 Software Weaknesses

      • Purpose: Highlights software weaknesses based on the CWE Top 25 list
      • Features:
        • Insights into software flaws that could be exploited
        • Categorization by weakness type (e.g., input validation errors)
        • Recommendations for addressing software vulnerabilities

      CISA Known Exploits

      • Purpose: Focuses on vulnerabilities listed in the CISA Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog
      • Features:
        • Identifies assets impacted by active exploits.
        • Provides context on known exploitation activity.
        • Helps prioritize fixes for vulnerabilities actively targeted by attackers.

          Integrating with Microsoft Sentinel

          Integration with Microsoft Sentinel enhances centralized monitoring and threat detection.


          Set up data connection:

          • Go to Data connections in the EASM portal
          • Link to your Sentinel Log Analytics workspace (use your LAW workspace ID + API key you find under settings > agents > primary/secondary key in LAW)

          Verify integration:

          KQL Queries for EASM Data in Sentinel:

          Query PurposeCorrect KQL QueryDescription
          List all assets by typeEasmAsset_CL | summarize count() by AssetType_sProvides a summary of discovered assets categorized by their type (e.g., domains, IPs).
          View asset bannersEasmAssetBanner_CL | project AssetName_s, BannerText_s, IP_sRetrieves banner information for identified assets, including IP and banner text.
          Identify newly discovered domainsEasmDomainAsset_CL | where TimeGenerated > ago(24h) | project DomainName_s, DiscoveryPath_sLists newly discovered domains in the last 24 hours.
          Monitor SSL certificate issuesEasmSslCertAsset_CL | where SslCertStatus_s contains "expired" | project AssetName_s, SslCertDetails_sRetrieves findings for expired or problematic SSL certificates.
          Open port detectionsEasmHostAsset_CL | where Description_s contains "Open Port" | project HostName_s, PortDetails_sLists hosts with open ports and their details.
          Filter by OWASP vulnerabilitiesEasmPageAsset_CL | where VulnerabilityCategory_s contains "OWASP" | project PageUrl_s, Severity_sDisplays web pages with vulnerabilities categorized under OWASP Top 10.
          Discover risky assetsEasmRisk_CL | where Severity_s == "High" | project AssetName_s, RiskDescription_sHighlights assets flagged with high-risk issues.
          Find risky IP addressesEasmIpAddressAsset_CL | where RiskLevel_s == "Critical" | project IpAddress_s, RiskDetails_sLists critical-risk IP addresses and associated risk details.
          Identify assets with web componentsEasmAssetWebComponent_CL | project AssetName_s, ComponentName_s, Version_sShows web components (e.g., CMS, frameworks) detected on assets.
          Detect potential contact leaksEasmContactAsset_CL | project ContactEmail_s, DiscoverySource_sRetrieves contact email addresses exposed on public-facing assets.
          Track SSL certificate lifecycleEasmSslCertAsset_CL | summarize count() by SslCertStatus_sSummarizes SSL certificate statuses (e.g., expired, expiring soon).


          • Unified monitoring across platforms
          • Automated responses through Sentinel playbooks

          Testing the configuration

          Testing ensures your EASM setup is functioning correctly


          1. Phishing domain detection:
            • Register a mock phishing domain and verify its detection
          2. Open port scanning:
            • Use tools like Nmap to identify open ports and validate alerts
          3. SSL certificate testing:
            • Use expired or invalid certificates to test alert triggers

          Extra resources

          Make sure to check out the EASM github page, because there are useful resources there which might handy to use and integrate:

          The role of EASM in exposure management

          Microsoft Defender External Attack Surface Management (EASM) is not just a tool for asset discovery—it is a critical enabler for effective exposure management. Exposure management is about identifying, prioritizing, and mitigating risks across your entire attack surface, including internal and external assets. While traditional tools focus on internal vulnerabilities, EASM ensures no external-facing risk goes unnoticed.

          How EASM complements exposure management

          1. Identifying shadow IT: EASM excels in discovering unmanaged or unknown assets that often go unnoticed, such as forgotten subdomains, unsecured APIs, or legacy IPs
          2. Continuous monitoring: By providing real-time insights, EASM enables organizations to detect and respond to changes in their attack surface, such as the exposure of new ports or the deployment of insecure services
          3. Risk prioritization: Not all vulnerabilities are equal. EASM helps prioritize risks based on severity, such as misconfigurations that allow unrestricted public access or assets running unsupported software versions
          4. Integration with broader tools: EASM’s ability to feed data into Microsoft Sentinel ensures its findings are part of a unified threat detection and response strategy. This integration is essential for correlating external risks with internal vulnerabilities

          Why EASM data matters in exposure management

          Organizations leveraging EASM data within their exposure management framework benefit from:

          • Proactive risk reduction: Addressing vulnerabilities before they are exploited by attackers
          • Improved visibility: Ensuring a complete view of all assets, both managed and unmanaged
          • Streamlined compliance: Demonstrating control over external assets for frameworks such as ISO 27001 or GDPR
          • Enhanced threat intelligence: Correlating EASM findings with threat trends, enabling informed decisions on remediation

          By integrating EASM with internal tools and processes, organizations can achieve a 360-degree view of their exposure, aligning their security posture with a proactive, defense-in-depth approach.


          Microsoft Defender External Attack Surface Management is an indispensable tool for modern organizations aiming to reduce their attack surface and strengthen their cybersecurity posture. Its ability to identify, monitor, and manage external-facing assets ensures no vulnerabilities are left unaddressed. By integrating EASM into a broader exposure management strategy, organizations benefit from:

          • Comprehensive visibility: A clear picture of all external-facing assets, enabling informed decision-making
          • Actionable insights: Prioritized remediation efforts that address the most critical risks first
          • Seamless integration: Unified data streams into Microsoft Sentinel, enhancing incident response and overall security operations

          Incorporating EASM into your cybersecurity framework not only mitigates external risks but also complements internal risk management practices, creating a cohesive, proactive defense strategy. By addressing both external and internal vulnerabilities, you can ensure a resilient security posture that evolves with the ever-changing threat landscape.

          Leverage Microsoft Defender External Attack Surface Management to protect what attackers target most: your external assets. With its advanced capabilities and integration potential, EASM is not just a tool—it’s a cornerstone of effective exposure management.

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